• Kevin Chalmers

  • Web Developer

  • Resume

Who am I?

Kevin Chalmers

I am a Web Developer skilled in UX design. I got started in programming through my parents who both work with computers. It took me a long time before I actually began to consider it as a career. I started in programming after finding myself unhappy taking business classes in college. After trying a few computer classes and then I went to Learningfuze, an accelerated coding program, to begin my learning. The thing about programming I enjoy is that there is always some new and interesting thing to work with. I enjoy building web sites using React. Since then I have continued my education by picking up SASS/SCSS and I am currently learning PHP.

Outside of coding I love to read books, especially Science Fiction. One of my favorite book series is the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. I also like to watch TV shows like History Channel's Vikings and Amazon's the Grand Tour. An occasional Star Wars movie or going bowling are fun distractions.













A website for Partie. Inc, that I am currently enhancing and maintaining. The site is built using React, Gatsby, Node, MySql, GraphQL, HTML, and SCSS. There are forms and pages built for new and ongoing events and competitions hosted by Partie.

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Partie Discord Bot

This is a discord Bot created by myself for Partie, Inc., to their specifications. It was made using NodeJS with Discordjs and a MySQL database. It allows users to create a channel feed to update them everytime a partie is created. This is accomplished utilizing both Partie, Inc. data and Discord data. The bot also allows them to search for Parties on the Partie App.

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Gwent Memory Match

This is a memory matching game based on The Witcher series' Gwent card game. It is a game where one matches two of the same card together to create a pair. I created it in Object-oriented JavaScript along with using HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery.

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Warung PSI

Makanan Indonesia

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Please feel free to contact me though this contact form or add me on Linkedin.

  • North Tustin, CA 92705

    United States